Friday, August 7, 2009


Since I’ve now spent a almost five hours in Berkeley, CA, and since that pretty much makes me an expert, I’d like to share some observations that I’ve made during that time.

1. Almost everyone in Berkeley is a hippie, with two exceptions: surfers and the homeless. Not that any of these are mutually exclusive, however.
2. Shit is fucking expensive here. My six-pack of Newcastle was $8.65, and that was before bottle deposit and the staggering 8.75% sales tax. I’m pretty sure I paid like $4 for a fucking box of mac and cheese.
3. People carry marijuana in the open.
4. The trains run more frequently, and smell less like pee than those on the east coast.
5. The weather is nigh on perfect all the time.
6. Cars actually yield right of way to pedestrians.
7. People smoke marijuana in the open.
8. Fucking everyone rides a bike.

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