Sometimes college can be awesome. Yeah I just said that. Even for a cynic like me who is sick of taking out enough student loans to purchase a small airplane, college shit can be cool. You just have to be in the right place at the right time. In this case, the right place is clearly the porch (or near vicinity) of someone’s house where beer pong and frisbee are being played, and the right time is any sunny afternoon, preferably one during which the weather is about 70 degrees. That’s Fahrenheit because we’re in America – 70 degrees Celsius would be positively unbearable. I’d rather not play beer sports in the Gobi desert.
And really, what says college better than drinking a good quantity of Natural Light, and then painting a street (and by painting a street I mean painting the people who are trying to paint a street)? Nothing. That’s what. They make college movies about shit like this.

For any of you who were curious, my 30-plus pages of writing that are due in the next few weeks remain unwritten.
aw look you put the picture of us up!...too bad you peed your pants.