Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In a moment of weakness, I finally gave in and got a Twitter account. As of right now, having had it for less than 24 hours, I’m still not exactly sure what purpose it serves, and/or in what way(s) it’s supposed to further the quality of my life. All I can figure out thus far is that it seems to work by making you believe that other people not only have the capacity to be entertained by, but are genuinely interested in something you might be able to say in 140 characters or less – basically it makes you think your own voice and opinions matter to others. Which by and large is not true.

Be that as it may, you can become a follower (by far and away my favorite relationship format of all the social network sites) by searching Matthew Avery. My guess is that one of two things will happen to my Twitter – either I will stop updating it after about next Tuesday, or it will become something akin to an extension of my blog – vulgar, offensive, and borderline retarded. I’m really excited to see where this goes…

1 comment:

  1. I will follow you...mostly to see how you can put your obnoxiousness into 140 characters.
